Not long after first setting up Atlantis I noticed we had a problem with the more complex runs. In our setup we are pretty much following the Terragrunt example repo in that we have a repo full of our custom modules and another repo that covers all of our environments and accounts. The custom modules are mostly wrappers for the Terraform AWS modules and a few other community modules from the Terraform Registry.

The more complex environments we have use a bunch of modules and it was running a Terragrunt apply-all command over a whole enviroment that we were coming unstuck on with an error somewhat like the one below.

Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: ConditionalCheckFailedException: The conditional request failed
    status code: 400, request id: 0000
Lock Info:
  ID:        00000000-c1a1-1015-dc75-9938775f0e33
  Path:      terragrunt/app/terraform.tfstate
  Operation: OperationTypeApply
  Who:       atlantis@eu-west-1.compute.internal
  Version:   0.12.24
  Created:   2020-05-14 17:51:58.576453175 +0000 UTC

This was slightly weird as when I checked the DynamoDB for a lock it was not there and to be clear there were locks for each directory that was running. It turns out this was a concurrency issue and was solved by adding the following to the Terragrunt command line.

--terragrunt-parallelism 1

I put this into the config for the Docker container and suddenly I was able to get the applies working for the multiple module environments again, the larger apply-all runs of Terragrunt.

Now of course this raises more questions. Why did this locking issue happen for one and how is anyone else running Atlantis and Terragrunt together before the above flag was released which only happened a few days ago but those are for another day and another post.

Peace, love and happiness.